Thursday, September 22, 2022

Grover Clevelands birth place fall 2022

  For my New Jersey historical cite blogger post I went to Grover Cleveland's birthplace. It is located in Caldwell, New Jersey. Grover Cleveland was the 22 and 24 president of the United States of America. While people are not allowed into the house it is interesting to see where such an influential past president grew up and lived in his youth. While on the land they had a little museum exhibit that housed some of his childhood objects. The majority of the items in the museum are notebooks and different writing that he did in his youth. I found it very interesting that such a historically important place was something that I drive past every day and don’t even look at. For more information the website will be linked here.

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In my hometown of Secaucus, New Jersey, there is a museum which displays many artifacts of our town’s history. While the building holds the ...