Sunday, September 25, 2022

Archibald Campbells Tavern

The historical site that I decided to visit was the site of a tavern that existed during the Revolutionary War in present day Hackensack, NJ. It sits across from what is what is known as "The Green" which was a "strategic position" in early Hackensack where George Washington stayed for a period of time during the Revolutionary War, (RWNJ). The tavern was run by a man named Archibald Campbell who arrived in Hackensack in 1765 and is originally from the Isle Of Man, (RWNJ). Food was served to George Washington and troops from Achibalds tavern during the Revolutionary War. The building that currently stands was built over where the tavern stood until 1873. This tavern sits in downtown Hackensack on Main St and having never explored and familiarized myself with the area it was interesting to visit where the tavern stood. The tavern along with other historical sites in the surrounding area helped me better understand and contextualize the historical significance of the city. Despite the actual tavern being demolished their is a plaque in the front of the building that reads, "Archibald Campbells tavern stood here. He supplied meals to George Washington when Peter Zebriskies home was used as military headquarters between November 13th and Novermber 21rst 1776 during the retreat across New Jersey. The army marched down Main Street and camped on the Green during November 20-21, 1776".

Photo Credit: Noah Assefa 



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