Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 11th, 2001 Memorial at Horseshoe Lake in Roxbury NJ


This is a memorial that was put up in my hometown of Roxbury NJ at our local park named Horseshoe Lake.  The memorial is remembering the horrible events that took place on September 11th, 2001 including two residents of Roxbury Township Joseph Deluca and Kenneth Zelman.  The memorial is a round concrete display about 3 feet tall filled with rocks.  A piece of metal from one of the buildings is on display along with three arrows pointing towards where the three crash sites happened, New York City, Washington D.C., and Shanksville Pennsylvania.  The last item the memorial displays is a plaque stating, "September 11, 2001 We Stand United... In mourning...  the thousands of innocent lives taken in the cowardly terrorist attacks on America.  In sympathy...  for the family of victims:  Joseph Deluca and Kenneth Zelman who were residents of Roxbury Township.  In honoring Police, Fire, and First Aid personnel in Roxbury Township and elsewhere, who respond to our calls, without regard for their own personal safety!  Celebrating...  the Freedom, Courage, and Fortitude of the greatest nation on the Earth.  God Bless America."

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